Weilin's Blog
🥧CPE(Collegiate Programming Examination)必考一星題選集49題詳解
Markdown語法與外掛標籤語法 大彙整
🛟Introduction of Markdown & Hexo Tag Plugins
How to Fix the 'Package caption Warning' in LaTeX: A Complete Guide
⚒️Fix the 'Package caption Warning' in LaTeX
本地端部署生成式AI:使用 Ollama+Open WebUI 打造你的私人助理
🎈Ollama+Open WebUI 部屬繁中 TAIDE 模型
評論區部屬:使用 Twikoo + Vercel + Gmail SMTP
Step-by-Step Tutorial
UVa 10035 - Primary Arithmetic
🎈UVa 10035 - Primary Arithmetic
Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 22.04
🚢 Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 22.04
ASVD: Activation-aware Singular Value Decomposition for Compressing Large Language Models
🧬ASVD: Activation-aware Singular Value Decomposition for Compressing Large Language Models
UVa 10050 Hartals
🎈UVa 10050 - Hartals Accepted Solutions
UVa 100 - The 3n+1 problem
🎈UVa 100 - The 3n+1 problem
Upgrading Python to the Latest Version on Ubuntu Linux
🪜Upgrading Python to the Latest Version on Ubuntu Linux
Setting Up Anaconda: Installation and Environment Configuration Guide
🛠️Setting Up Anaconda: Installation and Environment Configuration Guide
LeetCode 63 - Unique Paths II
🚩LeetCode 63 - Unique Paths II Accepted Solutions
LeetCode 120 - Triangle
🚩LeetCode 120 - Triangle Accepted Solutions
LeetCode 198 - House Robber
🚩LeetCode 198 - House Robber Accepted Solutions
LeetCode 74 - Search a 2D Matrix
🚩LeetCode 74 - Search a 2D Matrix Accepted Solutions
LeetCode 931 - Minimum Falling Path Sum
🚩LeetCode 931 - Minimum Falling Path Sum Accepted Solutions
01 knapsack
🅰️Introduction of 01knapsack algorithm
Weilin Wen
👨‍💻 Software Engineer 👨‍💻
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